Persona Development Step 1 of 7 14% The following worksheet will assist in developing the key personas your brand needs to connect with. Personas assist us in connecting with your market effectively by tailoring your website design and marketing efforts toward specific segments of your audience. For example, instead of sending the same marketing emails to everyone on your email database, you can segment your approach and content by persona and tailor your messaging according to what you know about the different customer personas. We will create a fictional representation of up to the ‘Top 3' ideal personas/customers. These top customer profiles will be referenced at various stages in the process and will assist in evaluating ideas and messaging. Submit a form for each persona you have. Name* First Name* Last Name* This Persona Name*Humanize your Persona with a name like Marketing Mary or Human Resources Harry.What is this Persona's job role or title?There can be more than one possible role for your personas, E.g. 'Marketing Mary' could be a Marketing Manager or a Director of Marketing. Gender Male Female Male or Female Approximate Personal IncomeWhat is the age of this Persona?Estimate approximate age of this persona.What is this Persona's education levelE.g. High School, Some College, College GraduateWhat is the annual value of this customer?What is the lifetime value of this customer? How is their job measured?E.g. Leads generated, revenue generated, team productivity.What tools does this Persona use or need?What tools do they use to get their job done, E.g. CRM? Organizational tools?Who does this Persona report to?Who reports to this Persona?What are this Persona's job responsibilities? In which industry does this Persona work?What is the size of this Persona's organization?E.g. Number of employees or annual sales.What are this Persona's goals?What are this Persona's biggest challenges? How does this Persona gain new information for the job?E.g. do they take online courses or go to conferences? Try doing a quick poll on your company's social networks or send out a survey using SurveyMonkey.What publications or blogs does this Persona read?What associations does this Persona belong to? What social media does this Persona use? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Pinterest Google+ Yelp Not Sure What social media does this Persona use?What are the ways this Persona likes to communicate and interact with vendors/service professionals like yourself?E.g. email, social media, phone, SMS, face-to-face, etc.How often does this Persona search for vendors/service professionals online? Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never Is this Persona in a position to refer other customers to you? Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never What does this Persona need to see on your website to buy from you? What products or services does this Persona purchase from you?What common questions does this Persona have during the sales process?What common objections does this Persona have during the sales process?HAVE MORE PERSONAS? Please repeat this process by filling out additional forms if you have additional Personas.